Tuesday, October 18, 2011


pening seharian. nk kate berpanas, tak jgk. nk kate puteri lilin, jauh sekali. but overall, it is a great day. didnt spend it lazying around watching series/movies. went out for bowling, watching football, dinner with awesome friends, enjoying nasyid for a while and currently having mini cinema with fellow housemates aka awesome friends yg baru disebut sbntar td. :)

pening seharian. spending time with acab n some other friends time bowling buat rs rindu sgt dgn wellington n trip to south dgn fellowshipp of the estima. how fast time flies. that is why i am trying hard to live in the moment skrg ni. dont want to miss any single second of our final weeks in IPBA. IPBA, ull certainly be missed :)

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