a huge relief after hearing that some of Malaysian students in Egypt are now safe with their families.hoping to hear more great news in the nearest future.but my sister and i been thinking about future if their studies.will they be able to continue their studies elsewhere?
and for the second part of this entry.these are the procedures that are introduced in (i guess i can say one of the most popular books for future english teacher) ELT Methodology: Principles and Practice
1. identify the broad topic
2. identify sub-topics within it
3. think of what children usually do when listening to, speaking about, reading or writing about the topic.
4. think of what language (vocabulary and structures) pupil need to do activities
5. decide what language students would already know. check syllabus for previous years.
6. check amount of time available and decide how much can be taught and what would be most useful for students at this stage of their development
7. think of interesting tasks that students can do that will allow them to learn the target skills and language items
8. work out in detail how he skills can be integrated
ps. it will be a great idea if u can get a copy of this book for future reference.instead of using references from other countries, i guess it will be a great idea to read something tht comes from ur own, ryt?and it never hurts to read more ;)
thats all for today.will be leaving ktn tomorrow.i guess getting married during chinese new year is quite popular among malays.tomorrow onwards, ill be eating nasi kenduri straight ahead until the day i got back to kl!wow.there will be serious workouts once i reach kl.till then :)
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