"Even though everything in your life is bright and cheerful right now, there are some dark storm clouds lurking just down the road. You won't know what direction they're coming from for a few more days, but to be on the safe side, you should take a more cautious attitude about new ventures and avoid doing anything too risky. Also, it may not be wise to make any major purchases or sign any legal documents. This time of uncertainly won't last long. Soon you'll know exactly what you're up against."
(fs h0roscope)
tht day, tataula angh bc from horoscope mane.bt, it said tht
DRAGON is soft hearted and people always take advntage from.
am not trying to tell ppl tht im soft hearted.
but, kdg2 mmg terase pon yg ppl take advantage from me.
emm.bak kate die, im too afraid to voice out my opinons;neds/etc.
mmg btol pon..
huhuhu.even now, ive alrdy felt like
someone is taking advantage over my soft heartedness!
tikam jer sape yg amek advantage tu. hehe
same situation wit me eventhough i'm Rabbit. soft-hearted n people always take advantage. tp skrg dah kuat. da bole menepis sume itu. hee. Pape pon, kuatkan pendirian. =)
is it me who's taking advantage on u?
ckp je kalo btol..
k.zati-mmg terase nk tikam.
kuatkan pndirian?wah.mmg susah tuu..
aaa-wah.terase ke?
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