every year most people will update their FB statuses, blogs, etc about their new year resolution. but for me, this is my first year that i decided to have one. i am not doing it just so that i'll join the bandwagon.
the truth is, i never really trust myself to have a resolution because i am too afraid that i'll be flustered if i am not able to achieve it. and i find myself achieving things that i've never planned to achieve so i thought, "i am not the resolution type of person.i am more of a doer".
here is the thing about doing new things everyday in your life.you do it, and you achieve it. that's it.
i never really feel the hurts and sweats of achieving something that i really want since i'll just do the things that i want at that particular moment. there were times that i didn't achieve what i aimed for. but why should i care?i have just thought about having/achieving it moments ago.
that is why this year i choose to look back and ponder. by having a new year resolution this year, it might change my attitude to the better. i am hoping that i'll be more grateful with people around me and the things that i have. insyaAllah
and for this purpose, i have chosen a verse from Al-Quran to keep on reminding me about being grateful